Sitting down indulging in my great breakfast this fine morning i was absolutely astonished to see that yet ANOTHER massacre has stunned the shores of the United States.
The OMAHA MASSACRE has left 8 innocent people dead and 5 wounded putting Americas "right to bear arms" legislation in absolute disgrace!! You'd think Bush would have woken up to himself by now and tried to amend and stop what the bloody hell is going on in the US. Reviving such horror of self-hated, loner lunatics gunning down several innocent people whilst in their tracks of self-destruction has occured once again.

Yesterday's massacre (December 6, 2007) at Westroad Mall in Omaha, Nebraska has left a nation is dismay. 19 year old gunman Robert Hawkins who was a fast food worker has shot people that he didn't even know for reasons unknown to the world.
The Daily telegraph this morning wrote Hawkins had left a note with his family saying that "he was sorry for everything, that he didn't want to be a burden any longer to anybody, that he loved his family and he loved all his friends". He continued to write in this emotionally driven letter that "He was a piece of shit all his life" and that now "he could be famous".
15 minutes of fame... is that all this lonely, self-deprived young man wanted?? It is sad to even put in the equation, but how can someones life be so bad that they feel the need to not only kill themselves but also sooo many other innocent people who were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time! It comes down to a question not only about right and wrong but what can the American wider community, especially Parliament do to stop something that is a reoccurring theme in Americas history?
All i know is that something needs to be done and pronto at that!!
How many more people need to die or be hurt innocently??
How many more people need to go on shooting rampages to get themselves heard or known??
How many more people need to go on shooting rampages to get themselves heard or known??
HOW LONG will this go on for before something is done??