tonight is the has FINALLYY arrived...ok, so this blog will be of particular interest to the screaming, totally dedicated Justin Timberlake fans such as myself who can justify EVERY cent of the $150 ticket for the tonight @ Sydney's Acer Arena..We have waited LONG ENOUGH!

Following the show tonight i will most definitely post photos, videos and anything else that will satisfy each of your JT needs... i'm expecting an extremely bog hoo haa production, MASSIVE lights, AMAZING dancers, an UNBEATABLE atmosphere and ofcourse the man of the hour Justin himself...mmmm...
i'm soooo excited fellow bloggers, i hope its everything i want and anticipate it to be AND MUCH MORE!! Ohh and not to mention the crowd, they're going to be NUTS...from the devoted fans and their "out there" outfits (haha cant wait to see the tragedies of the night) to the amount of noise we're going to make, the poor neighbours..OMGG i'm currently watching the loved MTV and they're showing back to back shows of the sex symbol JT, his dancing, his voice..he's so sensual and just what every girl looks for in a man. DAMN those activists against cloning!!!

over and out,
ange xox